Free  & Reduced Lunch

Families -

You can now apply for the Free & Reduced Application ONLINE!!! We encourage everyone to apply, even if you think you will not be approved. Please apply!!  The more families that fill this application out creates additional funding and opportunities that directly impact our students at the school.

To apply, Click this Link and log into Family Login EduTrack, Click on Apply for Free/Reduced Benefits and continue with questions. (If you don't have a log information already, click on begin set up process)

I have personal applied myself for this online and the process was very simple and uncomplicated! Only took up to 15 minutes or so. Note: you will need total household income numbers.

Click Here for Paper Application.  Click Here for additional information. Here is the breakdown per month. 

If questions or concerns, please contact me at

Thank you again!!

Mary Beyer