TUESDAY NIGHT!! Pre-game meal with a Soup Cook Off! See image for details!

TODAY, the Gymnastics Team heads to Watertown for the State Meet! What an incredible season it's been—breaking records at every turn. We're so proud of all you've accomplished. Best of luck at state—we’re cheering you on all the way!

Next Week - National FFA Week - February 17th - 24th. See image for dress up days and events throughout the week!

Celebrating FCCLA week this WEEK!! February 10th - 13th. See image for details!

Preschool Screenings are being held on March 18th. Please see image for details!!

Board meeting is being rescheduled to Monday, February 17th at 6:00pm in the music room.

Change in Menu for Tomorrow and Thursday breakfast. Wednesday - Egg Cheese Biscuits
Thursday - French Toast. No Breakfast today - Lunch the same!

Pancake Flip Fundraiser! See image for details!

Due to snow covered roads and extremely cold morning temperatures, we will start classes tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11th at 10:00 AM.. Mr. Hawkins

Due to continued snowfall and winds predicting to pick up this afternoon, we will be releasing students today at 1:00 PM. Mr. Hawkins

The planned girls basketball game this evening at Mt. Vernon has been postponed.
Thursday Night we will now play a GBB/BBB double header at Mt. Vernon

Congratulations to all of the singers representing Ethan at the Kimball Vocal Contest yesterday! Superiors all around, including one solo receiving a perfect score! Fantastic job!

Ethan High School Clay Target Team spring season registration opens today, Feb 4, 2025. Please contact Coach Brandon 605-505-1708 or Renae 605-999-1722 to register or for more information.

Theme Changed for TONIGHT!! Theme is Jerseys!! Lets go Rustlers!!

Honor Rolls for High School and Middle School have been posted. See website under Student Links to review. https://www.ethan.k12.sd.us/page/honor-rolls

Congrats to Drew Mellegaard and Truin Thomas! They were selected to be a part of the Inaugural DWU Middle School Honor Band this past Wednesday, January 29th! The concert was outstanding!

Parents/Guardians of Pep Squad Participants: Please note that the performers will not have to pay to get into tonight’s performance. However, parents/guardians will have to pay unless they have already purchased an activity pass.
Also, if your child(ren) wish to wear their gym shoes, the cheerleaders will have their gym shoes in the new gym. Please do not send your child(ren) to their classroom as doors will be locked.
Shirts have been handed out. K-2 has a ponytail with a flower they can wear for the performance tonight. 3-6 will receive their hair piece when they arrive. Also, if you do not wish for your child (3-6) to have face paint, please reach out to Mrs. Herman at lexy.herman@k12.sd.us.
Again, K-2 performers need to meet in the new gym at the beginning of warmups for the girls’ game. 3-6 need to meet in the new gym at beginning of warmups for the boys’ game.
Thank you for your understanding! We can’t wait for you to see what the Pep Squad participants have been up to! 😊

Tonight and tomorrow theme has changed,!! Tonight is White Out and tomorrow is Hawaiian!

MHM Little Rustler Clinic this spring. See details for information.

Ethan Elementary Kids Heart Challenge is Here!!
Our kids will feel good by doing good, knowing they made a difference for kids just like them!
Start by downloading the AHA Schools APP or click this link
to sign up http://www2.heart.org/goto/Ethan_Elementary
Complete Finn’s Mission: learn TWO lifesaving skills as a family TONIGHT!
Become a Heart Hero: Send emails/e-cards on the website or texts via the app to invite friends and family asking for support.
This KHC info will show you how to get started and all the thank you gifts your student can earn.
QR Code and more information is in the image details, THANKS!