Thank you to the Ethan Community from the National Honor Society for your generous donations of food before the holidays. Four hundred pounds of food was delivered to the Salvation Army before Christmas! Thanks to CHS for making the delivery!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
The Davison County Child Protection Team is hosting a free educational event for parents and professionals! We are focusing on education on the dangers that are present with technology use for children. Attached is the flyer. Try to attend if you can!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
Ethan Basketball and Cheer pictures are up and ready! Just text the code ETHAN25W to the number 90738 on your phone. You will get access to the gallery and can order them online. If there are any questions please contact Amy Storm. GO RUSLTERS!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
Congratulations to Jalen Thomas for receiving the Distinguished Rustler this month. Nice work Jalen!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
Pregame Meal tomorrow night at the doubleheader game! Come and support FCCLA and the Rustlers!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
pregame meal
Congrats to the Gymnastics Team on winning the Hot Springs meet over break! Here are the results and beam queens, Addison, Rory, Lily, and Carlie.
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
If you are unable to make the trip to Madison tonight to watch the Boys' team, you will be able to watch from home using the following link. Note that there is a $10 charge.
about 1 month ago, Bryce Roth
Tomorrow's boys and girls basketball doubleheader with Scotland/Menno will be played in Menno. Both Junior Varsity games will start at 5:00 with the Varsity Girls to follow at approximately 6:15 and Boys Varsity game at approximately 7:45. Mr. Hawkins
about 1 month ago, Tim Hawkins
Congratulations to Mrs. Roudabush on her new grandsons, TWINS, Luke & Dean, born December 30th!! Both of them are at home and doing well. Congrats Grandma!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
Are you looking for something to do on break?? TOMORROW and MONDAY morning basketball at the Corn Palace. Saturday - 10:30AM Boys Basketball vs MCM and Monday - 9:00AM Girls Basketball vs Hamlin. Come and cheer on the Rustlers!!
about 2 months ago, Ethan School
Ethan School wants to wish all of you and your family a joyful and peaceful Christmas season filled with love and happiness. Thank you for being a cherished part of our school community. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
about 2 months ago, Ethan School
A reminder that the SDHSAA winter moratorium is in effect from Monday Dec 23rd until Thursday, Dec 26th. Student Athletes involved in varsity winter sports may not use school facilities during this time. Enjoy the break!
about 2 months ago, Bryce Roth
Tomorrow at the basketball game, the elementary bathrooms will be CLOSED. Please use high school bathrooms, thank you!
about 2 months ago, Ethan School
Tonight's planned doubleheader in Huron vs. JVC has been postponed. Forecasted plummeting temperatures combined with high winds and already accumulated snowfall and ice in the Huron area would create hazardous drving conditions especially on the return trip tonight. The game has been postponed until Monday, Feb 3rd with the following start times---- Boys JV- 4:00 Girls V- 5:15pm Boys V- 6:30pm
about 2 months ago, Bryce Roth
REMINDER for grades K-6! Pep Squad forms are due by TOMORROW. In order for you child(ren) to receive their shirt on time, students need to be signed up by the end of the day tomorrow. 🙂 Please click the following link to fill out the form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Herman at or call the school. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Ethan School
Parents, there will be scattered slippery roads this morning, especially on Highway 42 west of town. Please have your students slow down and drive carefully on their way to school. Mr. Hawkins
about 2 months ago, Tim Hawkins
Congratulations to Speech-Language Pathologist, Emily Neugebauer and her family on their new baby boy. Adler Timothy was born yesterday. Congrats on your new family!
about 2 months ago, Ethan School
🎶 TONIGHT is the High School Music Concert and we will do it again!! Programs will be digital! See image for a copy of the program for you to preview, and when you arrive, you’ll find a QR code to scan for easy access. Enjoy!! 🎶
about 2 months ago, Ethan School
RUSTLER THEME SCHEDULE, Will be added the News Feed/Events to review at any time.
2 months ago, Ethan School
jan 1st
Some very important names were mistakenly forgotten on the Christmas Concert program last night.  A HUGE SHOUT OUT to the four girls who worked so hard backstage to set each scene.  They were:  Raya Connor, Auden Schlaffman, Sara Castillo, and Ronnie Linn.  Thank you so much for your hard work! Mrs. Tilberg
2 months ago, Ethan School