Congrats to these young musicians; Jalen Thomas, Konnor Wipf, Jayden Digmann, Emily Gades, Alyssa Gades, and Aaliyah Lewis for being selected to participate in the 1st annual DWU High School Honor Band! The performance on Wednesday, January 22nd was amazing!
18 days ago, Ethan School
Parents of Pep Squad participants: Pep Squad shirts will be handed out on Friday. Participants can wear shorts (or something they can easily move in) and tennis shoes. K-2: Please have your child(ren) meet the cheerleaders in the NEW GYM as soon as warmups begin for the girls’ varsity game. They will perform during halftime of the girls’ varsity game. After their performance, we will take them back to the new gym where they can be picked up by a parent or guardian. 3-6: Please have your child(ren) meet the cheerleaders in the NEW GYM as soon as warmups begin for the boys’ varsity game. They will perform during halftime of the boys’ varsity game. After their performance, we will take them back to the new gym where they can be picked up by a parent or guardian. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Herman at Thank you! 😊
18 days ago, Ethan School
Summer Academy - St. John Paul II, Open Admission Summer 2025, please see image for details.
18 days ago, Ethan School
Next Friday, January 31st there will be a Pre-game Meal during the Double Header. See image for details.
21 days ago, Ethan School
Congratulations to the One-Act Cast. They did a phenomenal job yesterday at Region Contest! We walked away with the MOST Outstanding actors/actresses awards out of ANY SCHOOL! Congrats to Makenna Termeer, Ashley Clauson, Madisyn Raymond, Elizabeth Kalovsky, Marissa Storm, Will Kreth, Cole Hinkley, and Dawson Henglefelt for receiving Superior Actor awards! Way to go!
21 days ago, Ethan School
GYMNASTICS SCHOOL RECORD BROKE! Parkston-Ethan-Hanson gymnastics competed in Wagner last night. Here are the results. They got a school record high of 141.5. They complete in Sioux Falls Lincoln on Saturday. Beam queens are Rory, Anna, Addi, and Claire
21 days ago, Ethan School
There will be a short, girls (varsity only) practice after school today- Coach Young
21 days ago, Bryce Roth
Parents and Community Members, during this legislative session, you will be hearing a lot of talk about Educational Savings Accounts, which was brought up by Governor Noem in her Budget Address. There are other terms you will hear including Vouchers, Educational Empowerment Accounts, and possibly others. If you have any questions about these topics and how they could possibly affect education, please feel free to reach out to myself or the school by phone or email. Mr. Hawkins
24 days ago, Tim Hawkins
The Ethan School App got an upgrade!!! Here is some information on changes that happened. Please update your app as soon as you can! Let me know if you have any concerns. Watch video for more information.
24 days ago, Mary Beyer
James River Archers Youth Archery Program, see image for details!
24 days ago, Ethan School
Breakfast Menu has changed for the rest of the week due to the late start. Please check Dining under App or Website. Thanks!
24 days ago, Ethan School
We will have a 10:00 AM start, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st. Mr. Hawkins
25 days ago, Tim Hawkins
2nd Annual Soup Cook-Off Pregame Meal February 18th! See image for details and how to sign up!
29 days ago, Ethan School
The planned boys "C" game @ Canistota this Friday has been cancelled due to sickness/injuries in the Canistota school. We still plan on having JV boys at 6:15pm and Varsity boys to follow.
29 days ago, Bryce Roth
There will be three 3-yr. positions open for the Ethan School Board starting July 2025. Petitions may be taken out on January 31st, 2025 with the last day to file petitions on February 28th, 2025. Only in district residents can run for school board as well as sign petitions. A joint city/school election is set April 8th, 2025.
30 days ago, Ethan School
Congrats to the PEH Gymnastics Team last night we got a new session high team score of a 137.5. Beam Queens were Claire, Addison, Piper, and Carlie. Individual scores and pictures in image.
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
Are you looking for a prom dress? Prom Dresses, Accessories and Shoes! The Glass Slipper will be held Saturday, February 1st at River Tree Church. See image for details!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
glass sipper
"Reminder: Pep Squad payments are due! Thank you! 🙂 Also, if you do not want your child to have face paint for the Pep Squad performance, please reach out to Mrs. Herman at Thank you! 🙂"
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
Change of THEME TONIGHT!! Black out will be the theme tonight instead of Frat! GO RUSTLERS!!
about 1 month ago, Ethan School
As we get ready for preschool screenings on March 18, we're compiling a list of families interested in enrolling their child in Ethan's preschool program for next fall, 2025. If your child will be 4 years old by September 1, 2025 they qualify to attend. Families on the school census will receive a letter in the next month, but if you're not on the census, please contact Jen Klumb at or Mary Beyer at 227-4211. Additionally, anyone with children birth to age 4 can call to ensure they're included for early childhood updates.
about 1 month ago, Ethan School