Sungold orders are ready for pickup at Sungold!
Happy Friday!
Happy Game Day. The basketball doubleheader kicks off tonight with our JV games beginning @5:00pm. Boys JV: New Gym ,Girls JV: Old Gym.
Varsity girls will follow @6:30 and concluding with Varsity boys around 8:00pm.
Again we are continuing with our attendance policy located on our website. Games will be livestreamed on Ethan Rustlers Live youtube channel as well as the local Santel channel. Please support the teams in any way that you can.
Ethan Rustler Flags
The Board Veterans are local small business and would like to offer you a custom school WOOD CARVED Flags.
Please see image for order. Due December 22nd, 2020. 20% of proceeds are donated back to the school.
Good morning, these are the following restrictions for the JVC Basketball games@ JVC tomorrow.
4:00 JV Girls
5:15 JV Boys
6:30 Varsity Girls
7:45 Varsity Boys
Masks are mandatory for all in attendance per Huron City Ordinance
Ethan fans need to use the West Side bleachers and the NW restrooms
Each family will receive (6) tickets.
Game will be broadcast on the JVC youtube channel.
Ethan vs. AC/DC
JV Girls in New Gym @5:15
JV Boys in Old Gym @ 5:15
Varsity Girls @ 6:30
Varsity Boys @ 8:00
Basketball/Activity Guidelines as of 12/15/2020
• Attendance will be limited. TWO passes will be distributed for each student’s FAMILY to attend. If a family has multiple students playing, they are still only given two passes. The goal is to have just parents attend.
• Fans are encouraged to social distance, sit with family, and wear a mask. There is no mandatory mask mandate in our gym. Please use all of the bleacher areas available in the gym.
• The entire student body (K-12) of both schools is permitted to attend.
• Please do not crowd the player bench/personnel areas. Respect the marked off areas around them.
• Concessions will be served, use your judgement so as to not crowd the concessions area.
• Please use the High School (West) door for entrance and exiting.
• After the contest concludes, we ask spectators to immediately begin to vacate the building.
Games will be streamed on the local Santel channel, as well as on Ethan Rustlers Live on YouTube.
Good evening, due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not be able to hold our virtual Christmas concerts this year. Therefore, elementary students will not need to dress for the concert this week. We will instead be recording our concerts immediately following the holiday break. More details will follow when school resumes in January.
Also, we were notified this weekend that one of our staff members has tested positive for COVID. No closed contacts were noted as our staff member wears a mask regularly and remains distanced from students in the classroom. Stay safe everyone! Mr. Hawkins
Just a quick reminder that our girls basketball team kicks-off the 2020-2021 season today at 3:00 PM, at home versus the Hanson Beavers. To clear up some confusion, ANY parent with a pass may attend today's game, not just the parents of a girls basketball player or cheerleader.
Parents, just a reminder that our students will be videoing their Christmas Concert performance next week on Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs. Tilberg is asking that all students in grades Preschool thru sixth wear red or green for the concert. Preschool and Kindergarten will perform their music on Tuesday, students in grades first thru 6th will perform on Thursday. The final concert for all students, elementary and JH/HS will be aired on Tuesday night, December 22nd at 7:00 PM.
Ethan School is looking for a Part-time Food Service Employee. Requesting all school days from 9:00AM - 2:00PM. Wage will range depending on experience. Please fill out application on our website: For questions, please contact Mary Beyer in the Business Office: or 605-227-4211. Thank you!!!
GOOD LUCK to the Boys Basketball Team tonight and the Girls Basketball Tomorrow against Hanson.
Tonight it will be online through YouTube Channel then type in 'Hanson School District'.
Tomorrow will be through Ethan Rustlers Live.
For those of you that are wanting to watch tonight's Boys BBall game @Hanson from home, you need to search up the Hanson High School channel on YouTube. There it will be livestreamed.
REMINDER: Today is the last day to order from Sungold in order to get your rustler apparel in time for Christmas!
For the 12/11 Boys Basketball Game @Hanson these are their school's policies.
There is no limitation on the # of fans who can attend
Masks are required for fans and for players when they are not in the game.
Ø Hand sanitizer will be available at each door entrance and on the score table.
Ø We are encouraging social distancing as much as possible.
Ø Masks are mandatory except for active participants, officials, and bench personnel during the contest in which they are participating.
Ø Areas behind the benched will be designated to distance fans from players, managers and statisticians.
PEH Gymnastics is selling T-shirts and Blankets for a Fundraiser! Orders are due THIS Friday, December 11th! Please click links below and order online!
Ethan FFA is selling shirts for a fundraiser! See News feed or Facebook for form!
Forms due: Monday, December 14th, 2020
Please return Payton Riggs, Morgan Hinckley, or Mrs. Roudabush!
Good evening parents,
As stated last week, we are going forward with limiting the number of fans that are able to attend our games this winter, at least for the first few weeks. Each family with a student/athlete listed on the roster will get two tickets. We will also allow staff members and students into our ballgames, but would ask that they stay home unless they absolutely feel it necessary to come to the games. Our goal is to try to minimize the number of people in our gymnasium as much as possible. This is a fluid situation and things may change at any time.
This decision was not an easy one, but after considering all variables involved, I believe it is the best one for all people involved. Is it fair for everyone, no, but I believe it is as fair as it can be. Nothing about this pandemic is fair, but it is here and it is something that we have to deal with.
I am hoping that the two tickets will be used in a way that every student/athlete is represented by his or her parents in the stands. If one or both parents are unable to attend, those tickets may be given to someone else to use that evening. I would prefer that other family members be given the opportunity to use them.
Several people have asked me why we are limiting our crowds for basketball but did not do the same for volleyball. Several factors are involved here. First, the number of infected individuals in Davison County are nearly triple of what they were in September and early October. Second, we have been receiving many more calls from parents in the last five weeks about positive tests or close contacts than we did in the previous nine weeks. Third, the Department of Health is telling us that we should be seeing a spike in numbers in the next few days because of gatherings during Thanksgiving, and then see another one in early January because of holiday gatherings for Christmas and the New Year. Lastly, crowd sizes are historically much larger for basketball games than they are for volleyball games, and if you consider that most of our games are double-headers, that means even a bigger number of fans.
As I also mentioned last week, all of our home games will be broadcast on our Santel Channel as well as our Ruslters Live Channel. Also, since we do not have a video feed in our new gym, we will be video-taping the junior varsity game that is played in there, then sending it out on both channels as well. Unfortunately, it will not be able to be viewed “live.”
Again, a lot of thought has been put into this decision, it was not made lightly. I certainly wish we were not in this situation, but we are, and we must deal with it. As I told another individual, we are all part of a team right now. Every coach will tell his or her players that sometimes, we must make individual sacrifices for the good of the team. That is what I am asking of all of you at this time.
Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. Now more than ever, we need to remain ETHAN STRONG!
Mr. Hawkins
We will be taking 7-12 Girls and Boys BBall pictures on Tuesday, Dec 8th starting at 2:45pm. Forms are being distributed and should be brought home today!
Good evening,
After giving much thought, taking into account the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, we have decided to cancel our “live” elementary and high school Christmas Concerts that were originally slated for the evening of December 8th. This was not an easy decision but one that we felt is in the best interest for the health and safety of our students and community members.
We will now be presenting a virtual Christmas Concert on our Rustlers Live channel and our Santel channel. This concert is slated to take place on the evening of December 22nd at 7:00 PM. Due to copyright laws, we will only be able to air this concert one time. This concert will consist of all of our students, Preschool thru 12th grade.
Preschool and kindergarten students will have their pieces recorded on Tuesday, December 15th and students in 1st - 6th grade will be recorded on Thursday, December 17th. Mrs. Tilberg is requesting that all students wear a red or green shirt, or an ugly Christmas sweater on the day their recording is to take place. We will send out another reminder, as those days get closer.
Mr. Hawkins
Ethan Rustler fans,
Sungold has just added Rustler apparel, stocking caps, etc..
to their online store. Great gift ideas for your Rustler fans. Orders
are due by 12/9/2020. Orders should be printed by December 17, 2020.
Follow the link listed here for more information.
Also, just a reminder that Janet has Ethan Rustler caps and
Ethan Rustler lanyards available at the school to purchase. Caps are
$20. and Lanyards are $10. Nicole has new items listed on The Ethan
Booster Club Apparel Facebook page.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! May everyone stay healthy and safe this Thanksgiving break. We are so thankful for our staff, students, and parents for each and everyone putting in so much effort and staying positive this school year!